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Osiągnięcia Bartus

NOWICJUSZ - macant tematu

NOWICJUSZ - macant tematu (8/46)



  1. A dodawanie gazu w zakręcie musi nastąpić, gdyż w przekroju opona ma eliptyczny kształt i na swych bokach ma mniejszy obwód niż na środku.
  2. tutaj też jest, powinno działać
  3. Widziałem jeszcze jak BMW M5 objeżdża wszystko na torze wyścigowym, bodajże w Niemczech. Za porównywalne osiągi samochodu trzeba jednak zapłacić duuużo więcej niż za motorek.
  4. "zapisz jako" najlepiej :(
  5. Ja mam podobny dylemacik zx12, czy Busa ale miałem okazję dokonać porównania i stwierdziłem że 12 jest nieco "ostrzejsza". Po rozmowach z mechanikami, co prawda chcę kupic nówkę, ale tak: Busa-pękające ramy, zrywające się łańcuszki rozrządu, błędy poprawiane niby w ramach akcji serwisowej ale... . ZX-12: po 40.000km miał taki oleisty osad na końcówce wydechu, jak jakiś mocno zarżnięty pojazd. A z całej takiej "mocnej " rodzinki mechanicy zalecali poczekać na nowego XX albo jeszcze troszkę na XX V5. Mam sentyment do Kawki, więc pewnie na nią bym się zdecydował/zdecyduje na nowy sezon, do momentu wejścia Hondy na rynek. Oba motocykle są na tyle duże, gdyż to nie są sporty, aby śmiało wybrać się w podróż.
  6. Dzięki za tą fotkę, podoba mi się. Nie doczytałem tylko nic na temat tego V5.
  7. Obiło mi się o uszy coś właśnie o nowym XX, ma mieć silnik V5 i 1200ccm. Ktoś może mi to potwierdzić. P.S. przymierzam się do nowego moto i dlatego pytam.
  8. Jakbym teraz kupował motocykl w cenie powyżej 50.000zł, to kierowałbym się chyba tylko kolorem, bo obecne maszynki są w zasadzie identyczne. Zapytałbym też sprzedawcę dlaczego mam kupić właśnie ZX-10R a nie CBR1000RR albo GSX-R1000.
  9. Sorki, że po angielsku ale jest tu wszystko. 1997 Kawasaki ZRX1100 Description: (standard) The ZRX1100 is an updated copy of the old Eddie Lawson bike, the Z1000R. It's got a bikini cowl with a square headlight, a tubular rear swing arm, fully adjustable dual rear shocks, fully adjustable front suspension and a ZX-11 engine, tuned for low and midrange power. The brakes are 6-pot Tokikos. The riding position is standard, but slightly sportier than the Bandit. Color schemes include lime green with racing stripes, black and "Z-1" silver. A naked version is available as well. Tons of storage space under the seat, as Kawasaki built in a several liter-deep storage area in addition to a document/tool kit space. No center stand, unfortunately. Pricing: I live in Japan, and here the bike's MSRP is 940,000 yen, but can be found cheaper. The ZRX is also sold in Europe, but not yet in North America. History: When I began hunting for a bike, I had in mind something that would be equally at home commuting through heavy city traffic or hauling ass on windy mountain roads: in short, I was looking for a standard. Standards are very popular in Japan, with offerings from Honda (CB1300, X-4), Yamaha (XJR1300), Suzuki (Bandit 1200, GSX1200) and Kawasaki (Zephyr 1100, ZRX1100). The ZRX has the reputation for being the best handling large standard available here. They're right. With excellent power, brakes, suspension and frame geometry, this bike holds its own with sports bikes. Yet, it's also a piece of cake to ride around in the city and in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Balance is the key to the ZRX's success; The brakes, suspension, power and frame work in perfect harmony and make the bike extremely easy to ride in any condition, despite its dry weight of 220 kg. Even in hard rain and on wet roads, you can ride with full confidence. Previously, I owned a GSF1200, and though I really liked th! ! at bike, I could never ride it as hard as the ZRX because it didn't inspire the same confidence in terms of handling and braking power. The ZRX's 6 pot Tokikos' excellent feel and power allows you to brake exactly when and how much you want to. You can even brake late in corners without the bike standing up. As you would expect considering its heritage, the engine gives stump-pulling power at any rpm, yet it can doddle happily along at a walking pace if that's what you want it to do. In stock form, the engine puts out 106 hp/8,500 rpms, 10kg of torque/7000 rpms. 1/4 mile time is low 11s, gas mileage is in the 40s and remains decent as long as you don't thrash it. No vibrations worth mentioning come through even at high speeds. Lots of mods are available, including the slotting in of ZX-11 cams and flatslides, which sends the horsepower soaring to over 140. The only weak point about this bike is the lack of a decent fairing. Because Kawasaki wanted to copy Eddie Lawson's old ra! ! cer, they stuck a bikini cowl on the bike. While it's fine around town, it sucks on the highway. I added a GIVI tall screen and now it's tolerable to cruise at speeds up to 100 mph. It's a shame they didn't give the bike a GPZ900-type half cowl, but then, that's why they offer the ZX-11 and the GPZ1100, I guess. Modification: The ZRX is amazingly competent in stock form. Unlike my old GSF, it's not the kind of bike that makes you immediately start thinking of ways to make it better. Modifications at this point include a GIVI screen to provide more wind protection at highway speeds, and a aftermarket exhaust system as the Japanese-market stocker is whisper quiet and robs the bike of top-end power. Opinion: Without a doubt, I would buy it again. If you're in the market for a great handling sports-tourer that's also extremely civil and reliable, you can't go wrong with the ZRX. Cautions: My only complaint concerns the finish on the mirrors and metal parts on the frame. It seems to corrode easily, so you have to inspect the bike regularly and dab on rust nuetralizer to nip the problem in the bud. The finish on the tank and plastic parts is very good.
  10. Ja również jeżdżę na długich światłach w dzień. Robię tak dlatego, gdyż uważam, że moto "gubi się" w potoku jadących na światłach samochodach. A tak przynajmniej się jeszcze jakoś wyróżnia a i ja wcześniej zauważę innego motonitę jadącego z naprzeciwka.
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